Letter: Applications now available for Slovik's DSG cabinet

I am writing to inform members of the student body that applications for all cabinet positions including Head Line Monitor are now available in the Duke Student Government office as well as online at www.dsg.duke.edu. DSG is looking for individuals who want to make a difference in their community. Being a member of cabinet will involve working closely with members of the DSG executive committee, legislators, student groups and administrators to truly make life better here at Duke. We are looking for proactive students who will work hard to realize their goals and fulfill their duties.

The selection of cabinet members is going to be slightly different this year than it has been in the past. All appointments will continue to be made by the DSG president, but this year these appointments will be the result of discussions with and recommendations from the executive committee that the student body has elected. All appointments will be confirmed by the Legislature.

The Head Line Monitor selection will be done through an application and interview process that is clarified in more detail in the applications.

I strongly encourage any member of the student body who is interested in making a difference on campus to visit the DSG website or to stop by the DSG office and pick up a description of the positions available as well as a cabinet application. All applications are due no later than 5 p.m. Friday, March 28 to the DSG office. Please direct any questions to Matthew Slovik, DSG president-elect, at mss9@duke.edu. Thank you very much.


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