Film: No Dissolution

We, as students of this prestigious university, could learn a thing or two from Old School, previewing at midnight in the Griffith Film Theater.

Take our unlikely hero Mitch Martin (Luke Wilson): One day he's a boring white collar worker, the next he's moved onto the nearby college campus and is starting a fraternity with buddies Will Farrell and Vince Vaughn.

Of course hilarity and crazy antics ensue as The Dean makes it his life goal to see Mitch and the rest of Alpha Epsilon Omega disbanded. And we thought we were the only school with these kinds of problems?

Instead of yielding to The Evil Dean and dissolving their chapter, Mitch and his friends fight the good fight. In a process that sounds eerily similar to Duke's own Annual Review, the boys of AEO show The Dean and the board of trustees they have what it takes to throw bitchin' parties and still be productive members of the university community.

So with the scary trend of Duke fraternities and selective living groups being forced to take their beer bongs and kegs, not to mention years of tradition, off campus, I say we turn to Old School to show us what university life can really be like. While the administration may be just as evil, we have the numbers and the power, and maybe one day, we too can take Duke back to the old school.

  • Jon Schnaars


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