Black Powers

Did you watch Austin Powers in the theater six times? Couldn't wait for The Nutty Professor to come out? Well, then Undercover Brother was made for you.

Banking on the same formula that increased the bling-bling for Powers' producers, the film tells the story of Eddie Griffin's character--who actually goes by Undercover Brother--a 70's throwback stuck in these millennial days.

But, part of what makes it so familiar and comfortable is also what makes it hackneyed and boring. It follows the Austin Powers formula--which was a rip-off itself--so closely there isn't enough room for innovation, right down to the island of evil, hot female sidekick and groovy garb.

One area it did get right, however, was the one-liners. Dave Chappelle's Conspiracy Brother calls Undercover Brother "a soul train reject with a Robbin' Hood complex."

It isn't cinematic greatness, but Brother delivers on the low-brow laughs.


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