Strange pledge task raises questions of religion

Have you seen a pledge from Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity walking around campus with a wall clock around his neck? This has been an interesting spectacle to me the last two weeks. AEPi is predominantly a Jewish fraternity, and the picture on the face of the clock is of Jesus and his 12 apostles at the Last Supper celebrating the Passover. I am surprised that a deeply religious fraternity such as AEPi would seem to trivialize such an event as the Passover by having their pledges wear it around their necks.

I should hope that the members of AEPi fraternity are not confused as to what the Passover and Jesus mean to both Jewish and Christians faiths. If they have any questions, they should go visit the Freeman Center for Jewish Life or to the Duke Chapel. Please don't misunderstand this comment, but I should hope that AEPi can explain what the clock means.

Henderson Jones

Trinity '02


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