Council plans Little Siblings Weekend

The First Annual Little Siblings Weekend-an opportunity for Duke students to spend a weekend on campus with their siblings-will be held April 9-11.

"The idea is for Duke students to bring their little siblings between [ages] 10 and 17 or 18 and have fun together and see Duke," said engineering sophomore Priya Ramaswami, a Campus Council member and the event's organizer.

The weekend, the theme of which is Dr. Seuss' "Oh, the Places You'll Go!", will begin with a cultural extravaganza featuring several different campus groups. A brunch will be held at the Marketplace Saturday and there will be an ice cream social with several other activities including a sibling look-alike contest in the afternoon.

Saturday night, Diya will sponsor South Asia Night.

The weekend coincides with Latino Recruitment Weekend, the International Jazz Fest, Springfest and several athletic events. Event organizers also noted that many high schools around the country have spring break that weekend.

Although many other colleges use similar events as recruitment tools, organizers said this was not the purpose of the Duke event.

"It is intended to be a fun weekend for siblings. We are not working with the Office of Admissions," said Assistant Dean of Student Development Deborah LoBiondo.

LoBiondo said the event was inspired by a similar weekend at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

"It's a great opportunity for Duke students to have their siblings come to campus with structured events and it will allow little siblings to meet other little siblings," said LoBiondo.

Some students said the planned events are an appealing aspect of the weekend.

"My sister came and visited me last year and I think that it would be better if there are some planned activities," said Trinity sophomore Marshall Lockton.

Other students say a campus visit is a chance for younger brothers and sisters to see what college is like.

"I think that it's a good idea for younger siblings to visit their older siblings because often, they are at home without their older brother or sister to look up to, and it makes them feel good to see their older siblings in a college environment," said Jessie Dreifuss, a Trinity freshman.

Because this is the first such weekend, Campus Council members say strong attendance is particularly important.

"Since this is the first year for this weekend, we are not sure what the response will be," Ramaswami said. "But the students that we have talked to all seem very enthusiastic about the idea."

The registration fee for the weekend is $10. This charge includes admission to all activities and a t-shirt for little siblings. Registration forms are available at the Bryan Center information desk and are due by March 15.


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