Presidential platforms

The Chronicle asked the Duke Student Government presidential candidates the following question:

What is your opinion of Duke's social scene? Where is it going, and how will you play a role in its continuing evolution?

Christopher Brandt: Brandt said the new alcohol policy has affected the social scene by pushing much of social life off campus. "Also, the racial imbalance of Main West Campus is definitely an issue that needs to be resolved," he said. "DSG, Campus Social Board and the administration need to come together to look at possible ways to combat these negative trends."

Daveen Chopra: "Duke's social scene has seen some steps in the right direction in the last year but should continue to improve in the variety of options available to students," Chopra said, citing the availability and affordability of keg parties and beer gardens in addition to other options. "This balance of social choices is essential to the Duke experience."

John Grant: Reforming Duke's social scene is a central plank in Grant's presidential platform. Grant asserts that Duke's social life provides many options beyond the fraternity scence, but students are told there is a problem. "Students should be aware that they are the ones who control Duke's social scene, not DSG or the social board."

Ben Kennedy: Kennedy said his role as president would be to promote a vibrant social scence with "more on-campus parties which are safer and more inclusive of a wider array of Duke students," he said. "Specifically, I would like to dedicate this summer to working on a more flexible alcohol policy which emphasizes student responsibility over a rigid set of rules and regulations."

Amir Rashid-Farokhi: "Duke's social scene is physically where it needs to be: on campus." By working alongside other groups, Rashid Farokhi believes that the process of offering more social options will continue to expand. He added that a constant awareness of where social life is going would help improve the social scene at the University.

Lisa Zeidner: Zeidner believes that Duke's social scene is a valuable part of the student experience and said more student groups should co-sponsor events. "Individual students need to take more responsibility with getting to know different types of people." Zeidner added that social life is more than just a fun thing to do on the weekends, but as an aspect of a holistic educational experience.


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