Guest Commentary

The Duke Chronicle

The Best Around

Spend a little bit of time at Duke-much shorter than four years, a smidge longer than a PFrosh-and you'll meet some interesting people. They're not interesting in that whole sex, drugs and rock...

The Duke Chronicle

My Central Campus Wish List

Very rarely is a university given the chance to cure so many ills with a single project. But if the Central Campus overhaul represents anything, it's that one golden opportunity to pause, furrow...

The Duke Chronicle

The Great of This Place

What kind of student should Duke graduate? Former President Terry Sanford thought a Duke grad ought to be "a Renaissance man with a purpose." Speaking at his inauguration in 1970, Sanford told...

The Duke Chronicle

Les Bon Temps

A new year means a new issue of Towerview. And as this issue hits the stands, New Orleans-area residents are gearing up for Mardi Gras 2006 celebrations, set to begin February 11. But this year...

The Duke Chronicle

Spam Supreme

I'm SFC Armstrong, the US Army Station Commander responsible for recruiting at Duke University. I received your contact information from the University. Under the 'Solomon Amendment,' colleges and...