DPU Endorses Adair, Weisman for Pres, VP

After meeting with each candidate, Duke Political Union has decided to endorse Annie Adair and Ilana Weisman for DSG President and Vice President, respectively. Both women articulated clear visions for how student government should be revamped and restructured in coming years.

Adair, who is a transfer student and unaffiliated with any selective living groups on campus, offered a singular perspective on Duke’s culture and how DSG should advocate for a mix of student lifestyles. Diversity of opinion must be cultivated on campus, and this begins with our student body leaders. Adair promises to push for much-needed changes to DSG’s internal structure. One of her main proposals was to delegate more project responsibility to rank and file DSG senators rather than concentrating power within a small, insular group of DSG VPs. This could improve lines of communication between members of DSG and their constituents. Adair’s fresh inputs are why DPU chose to endorse her.

Weisman, who has served on multiple task forces and previously served as VP of DSG’s Equity and Outreach Committee, showed that her experience with parliamentary procedure and ability to manage an administration are what best suit her for the position of EVP. She spoke to her skill in organization and scheduling – and her success on Duke International Relations Association's Executive Board is testament to this. Weisman’s strengths show that she is the right candidate for EVP – a position reliant on functionality and efficiency.
While DPU endorses Adair and Weisman, we encourage students to vote for those candidates whom they feel could elevate DSG to being truly in tune with and representative of Duke’s undergraduate student body. 

Pi Praveen
Trinity College '16


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