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Don't play blame game with Prop. 8

(11/21/08 5:00am)

We commend The Chronicle independent Editorial Board's support for same-sex marriage but disagree with their Nov. 19 editorial, "Gay marriage? Fine by us." In the aftermath of Prop. 8, emotions run high, and many people have looked for groups to blame. In times like these, it is especially important that we not only get our facts straight but also understand how progress is made.

kanye west

(11/20/08 5:00am)

Say goodbye to the Dropout Bear; Kanye West's all grown up, and he's not happy. His latest album finds Kanye leaving behind "Good Life," and instead embracing his hell: heartbreak. Ironically enough, West has chosen to segue into this more despondent sound by recording his newest album in Hawaii (area code: 808).

Durham trick or treat fetes

(10/29/08 4:00am)

The Chapel Hill town government, in an act of characteristic hospitality, decided this year to ban outsiders and non-University of North Carolina students from its annual Franklin Street Halloween bash. This leaves hundreds of Duke students without a proper venue to go and display their true Halloween spirit. But wait just a second, Dukies-we have a town too! It's called Durham, I think, and there's got to be something to do here on this most festive of costume-themed holidays. In the interest of not letting the Chapel Hill Grinch steal the college-equivalent of Christmas, here are some other viable options for keeping yourselves spooky (or sexy, or schwasted-we cater to broad interests) this Oct. 31. And remember, if worse comes to worst, you could always just force one of your friends to throw a party in their room.


(10/23/08 4:00am)

George W. Bush's presidency is one of polarization, partisanship and finger-pointing. Hilariously, Oliver Stone's W. fails to reflect any of this. Instead, Stone blandly depicts Bush's life and administration with minimal artistic interpretation or reinvention. The movie sets out to be entertaining, brandishing the tagline "based on a true story," but merely ends up playing like a documentary with particularly high-production values.


(10/16/08 4:00am)

Keane started off with a distinct objective: to be a successful pop group that primarily featured piano instead of guitar. Somewhere on the way to their newest release, Perfect Symmetry, this mission was abandoned.