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Why I do what I do

(03/27/14 7:30am)

I received a lot of hate during The 40% Plan campaign—in The Chronicle, the Weedicle, on Facebook, and in person. I didn’t enjoy it, but to be clear, I can’t complain about it. You don’t play football and then grumble about being tackled. But I mention this fact for the question it raises—why bring this upon myself? Indeed, the “why are you doing this?” question was one I received repeatedly throughout the campaign. I was a second-semester senior, with his next four years planned out, launching a campus-wide movement for a very esoteric and seemingly random amendment to a student government constitution. Didn’t I have anything better to do with my life?

DKU: what values are we exporting?

(10/25/13 9:00am)

When Duke announced the construction of Duke Kunshan University in the Jiangsu province of China in 2010, our University community was left with many unanswered questions. Some of these questions include: How would faculty be mobilized, how sustainable would the research be, if the program is targeted toward English speaking Chinese students, would there be enough incentive for Chinese students to pay Duke tuition without the benefits of living abroad, would Chinese students pay Duke tuition given the much lower cost of attendance at Chinese universities and what sort of intellectual freedom could Duke students and faculty exercise? Now it’s October 2013, and the Duke in China reference sheet, which was last updated in 2012, said the campus would open in the 2013-2014 school year pending the approval of the Chinese government. Yet, we are still without answers.

On moments

(09/25/12 6:47am)

To kick start our three-day weekend, some friends whom I’ve had the fortune of knowing since freshman year planned a hike through Eno River State Park. On a Friday afternoon charmed by a beaming sun that had silenced the growling thunders of previous days, we bundled ourselves into two cars and travelled to Bobbitt Hole Trail.

The Constitution in my pocket

(09/13/12 5:52am)

Nearly every day since my sophomore year of high school, I have carried a U.S. Constitution in my left-hand pocket whenever I go out. People often ask me why. They’re usually fairly incredulous when they ask. It strikes many as odd, and I understand their reasoning. It strikes a few as honorable. Despite my brother’s warnings not to do so (I think the phrase he used was “social strike-out”), I’m going to tell you just one of the many reasons why I do this.