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(09/02/03 4:00am)

In Jerry Maguire, a staple of the college DVD collection, Tom Cruise sweats through the night writing a mission statement--25 pages of coffee-filled B.S., a statement for the future, a Duke public policy memo, what have you. It was called "The Things We Think and Do Not Say," Jerry's honest vision for his fellow sports agents.

Opposites attract: running styles lead to success

(08/29/03 4:00am)

For years, the NFL's Tampa Bay Buccaneers had the league's most frightening backfield. six-foot-one, 250-pound Mike Alstott and 5-foot-9, 180-pound Warrick Dunn were tabbed the ultimate, unstoppable one-two punch--anticipation and cliché abounded. The dynamic duo played together for five years, but ended up less than dynamic; it wasn't until last year, when the Bucs traded the oft-injured Dunn that the team really was unstoppable, and won the Super Bowl.

The Eighth Wonder: Can Jones help Memphis?

(07/23/03 4:00am)

NEW YORK - At this point, Duke head men's basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski could probably cut down the nets blindfolded. And back in the day, Jerry West could flick up his jumper with such a quick release that it just became second nature. But the individual trademarks of two of basketball's elder statesmen aside, it's what they have in common that really sticks out: the stare. It's that barely-squinting, much-holier-than-thou glare they both love to shoot that makes them unquestioned, makes them revered, makes them legends.

Women's golf returns to No. 1

(03/04/03 5:00am)

In the first week of the fall last year, the reigning national champion women's golf team visited reigning worldwide terrorist-cleanser George W. Bush at the White House, though neither seemed to make its promised dramatic push to defend themselves the rest of the season. But spring has sprung, and just as the President pushes to war, Duke has likewise begun to protect its status as No. 1 in the land.

Pivotal point guard battle could be key to victory

(02/05/03 5:00am)

The last time we saw Chris Duhon, he slipped away a Duke lead to Florida State with six seconds remaining and fell to the court almost as hard as the Blue Devils dropped in the ACC standings and the polls the next day. When Raymond Felton was last in action, he bricked a three-pointer with nine ticks on the clock that would have brought North Carolina within a point in an eventual loss to Wake Forest.