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Morris's Fog of War and Super Size Me have each benefited from the recent jump in popularity for documentary films. Special to The Chronicle

(02/10/05 5:00am)

Recently, Academy Award-winning director Errol Morris (The Fog of War) turned his incisive gaze upon Duke's beloved Mike Krzyzewski for a new American Express TV commercial to debut during March Madness. After several hours of grilling Coach K during a two-day shoot, Morris was successfully converted from Coach K skeptic to true-blue believer.

Scripts in the City

(11/04/04 5:00am)

New York — For those of us who are not planning to become doctors, lawyers or i-bankers the future is particularly fuzzy. That’s why it was such a thrill to discover a group of artsy-fartsy recent Duke grads in New York that have thrown caution to the wind and taken their future into their own hands.

Development arrests viewers' attention

(10/21/04 4:00am)

Back in September, the television industry was officially shaken up—and it had nothing to do with a pop star’s breast or passing a new obscenity threshold on HBO. Fox’s Arrested Development, one of the most critically acclaimed sitcoms on television, won the award for best comedy series at the Emmys, a.k.a., the television industry’s annual salute to its own shameless mediocrity.

Don't steal--or edit--this movie!

(09/16/04 4:00am)

Do you remember stuntman Manny Perry? Or how about set painter David Goldstein? If you recognize either of these names then you’ve probably seen—and later ridiculed—one of the “Movies—They’re Worth It” commercials that have been running in theaters across the country since July 2003. The ads are part of the Motion Picture Association of America’s campaign to promote awareness of movie piracy and its detrimental effects on Hollywood. The MPAA hopes to avoid a commercial downward spiral akin to the one that the record industry has been entwined in for the last few years.

Fall Fashion Preview

(09/09/04 4:00am)

Designers have been good to college women. This past year, almost all the ultra-trendy looks and elite fashion collections have been designed around 20-year-old figures with 20-year-old lives. This season, however, has brought a barrage of trends designed strictly for workplace-wear and power-lunching. And although this more mature look of fashion might be great for many of our moms, who now have the opportunity to look fashionable without wearing low-rise jeans and minis, it also presents a conundrum for the average college girl who has, for the most part, based her wardrobe around these staples. With embellished jackets buttoned over brocade tops paired with skinny skirts and glam handbags, fall’s fashion query is how to follow the trends without looking like an overdone, underpaid secretary. After all, (the online site of Vogue magazine) reports that this season’s fashion has finally recognized the “subtle sex appeal of the executive assistant.” For those of us with a more playful approach for fashion, RECESS has compiled a handbook on making fall’s favorite looks work for you. Here, your complete guide to taking the season’s glam, dramatic looks off the designer runway and onto the BC walkway.

Get with the Entourage

(09/02/04 4:00am)

Hollywood has often been ridiculed for its obsession with itself. And rightly so, given the amount of media that daily dedicates itself to proliferating the belief of Hollywood’s grandiose supremacy. But not all of this coverage is hogwash. Some if it is actually possesses entertainment value beyond the “I just can’t look away” awe of a car wreck. For every Celebrities Uncensored, there’s a Curb Your Enthusiasm, and for every America’s Sweethearts, there’s an L.A. Story.

Film Review: Girl with a Pear Earring

(02/05/04 5:00am)

Based on the novel by Tracy Chevalier, Girl With a Pearl Earring imagines the story behind Johannes Vermeer's portrait of the same name. The subject of the portrait is a young servant girl named Griet, (Scarlett Johansson), who must clean Vermeer's (Colin Firth) studio without adjusting a single object, so as not to disturb the artist's vision. What Griet doesn't anticipate is the mutual dependency that develops between artist and subject, master and apprentice, when she herself becomes part of the artist's vision.

Dreams OD's on Saccharine

(10/24/02 4:00am)

The new drama American Dreams is a classic example of the overachieving freshman TV show. Each week, the creators behind Dreams present the audience with an hour's worth of conflict focused on the conservative Pryor family in 1963 Philadelphia. In each episode, all six Pryor family members are awarded a storyline of their own, and as each arc progresses through the hour, all six of the stories remain connected by a succession of golden oldies that underscore the scenes.

Queen City Shopping

(10/10/02 4:00am)

Sour on Southpoint? Finding Uniquities to be less than unique? If you're looking for a nouveau venue to indulge your purchasing pleasures, perhaps you should give Charlotte the old college try. Few people realize that Charlotte is the second-largest banking center in the States after New York, and with those Southern greenbacks come a few unexpected delights.

The only way to watch Idol

(08/29/02 4:00am)

Between its bickering judges, questionable voting practices and prepackaged wannabe stars, American Idol has become the runaway pop culture phenomenon of the summer. We here at Recess have been caught up in the fray, and to enhance your viewing pleasure, we've taken it upon ourselves to create what every pop culture phenomenon rightfully deserves: a drinking game.

Dorm Room Shopping

(07/31/02 4:00am)

ne of the first things people said to me after I had been accepted to college was, "Have you picked out your sheets yet?" Apparently there is some ceremonial picking-of-the-first-year-of-college-sheets rite of passage that I was not privy to. This silly preoccupation with linens started to make sense when I discovered a hidden truth: Everyone wants her home away from home to reflect her unique personality. However, sheets alone do not a personalized dorm room make, so I've done some research and settled on two stores that I think offer the most stylish products around: