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Of Montreal- False Priest

(09/16/10 8:00am)

There are no two ways about it: You either love or hate Of Montreal. False Priest should be no exception. For those who wish the Athens, Ga. natives would someday reach musical normalcy, the band’s latest release is not for you. But if you’re looking to hear Of Montreal take a hyper, funkadelic twist on their older works, this record delivers.

Interpol- Interpol

(09/09/10 8:00am)

Since their 2002 debut Turn on the Bright Lights, Interpol has made their name with prominent bass runs, haunting vocals and jarring guitar lines. Despite the sense of cacophony, they have established a reputation for rocking your moody world with electrifying choruses and dark tones. But after three years of anticipation, Interpol’s self-titled fourth album falls short.