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You're not special

(09/19/12 12:32am)

When I was a kid, there were two things I wanted to be in life. In descending order of importance and ascending order of practicality they were a witch and a spy. Actually, they are both of equal importance and equal impracticality. But nonetheless, I clearly had some maladjusted freak fantasies—something my excessively encouraging elementary school teachers would too kindly call an “overactive imagination.”

Glory days

(03/21/12 4:00am)

People say college is the best time of your life. But these people are liars. These people are either nerdy high school kids looking for hope in the world, or they are President Brodhead and his poker buddies, trying to justify our tuition. But hey, I love college as much as the next white rapper (are you there, Asher Roth? It’s me… your lackluster direction in life). But I have to vehemently declare that the best time of my life was in the ’90s. A time of denim and floral print. A time of slinkies and Furbies. A time of Kenan and Kel. What’s not to love? Also, childhood was a time where sobriety and sexual inhibition were sort of expected, so I had the opportunity to really thrive. (Oh dear readers … I’ll never stop drilling the explicitly non-explicit details of my life into you!)

Never have I ever

(02/22/12 5:00am)

When I decided to be an evolutionary anthropology minor (a decision that lasted one semester), I learned about our adaptability as a species. You’ve probably figured out that I’m a somewhat ironic individual. Well, I’ll have you know that my pension for irony extends past my personality and affects my biology. My carnal behavior seems to be incongruous with Darwin’s sexpectations (I’m not exactly perpetuating the species over here). To understand the urgency of this issue, please enjoy this verbatim excerpt from my latest date:

Cupid sucks

(02/08/12 5:00am)

Who gave that chubby baby a weapon and the authority to use it? It needs to be stopped. If a diapered Danny Devito approached me with a quiver, I’d kick him in the violets. Oh, those things would get REAL blue. Only under the fluffy guise of love would such tomfoolery be allowed.

Let's talk about sex

(01/25/12 11:00am)

Let’s talk about sex. Part of me wishes I were a sex columnist. But the rest of me knows that that would be a fairly G-rated sex column. It would be much more observatory than participatory. And not in that cool voyeuristic way. All in all, my sexcapades are relatively tame. Join me as I recap several key events that launched me into womanhood ...

Pay attention to me

(01/11/12 11:00am)

You don’t have to. But I want you to. Why? Because I’m a middle child. Middle children are, by definition, attention-seeking urchins. Similar to socialites, class clowns and most Duke students. So I feel like you will relate to me. You brag about your I-banking internship or spot in line at K-Ville or how your father is the inventor of Toaster Strudel, while I publish my meaningless snarkiness. Newsflash to both of us: No one cares.