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Looking back: DSG’s efforts to foster a 'cultural reset' during DSG president Lana Gesinsky’s term

(05/26/23 3:15am)

When Lana Gesinsky, Trinity ’23 and former president of Duke Student Government, ran for the presidency in the spring of 2022, she said she wanted to usher in a “cultural reset” by strengthening community on campus and bringing DSG closer to the student body. 

‘Needed to be more robust and urgent’: A year later, rollout of Center for Gender Violence Prevention & Intervention falters, students say

(04/19/23 4:47am)

Last April, Duke announced the establishment of a new center tasked with expanding the University’s sexual assault prevention and intervention efforts. Named the Center for Gender Violence Prevention and Intervention, it promised to offer therapeutic services to survivors of gender violence, deploy “peer educators and facilitators,” and partner with student leaders to both curb and address sexual assault on campus. 

Duke Student Government Senate approves over $40,000 to restock SOFC programming fund after it surpassed annual budget

(04/06/23 3:30am)

During its Wednesday meeting, Duke Student Government senators authorized the transfer of $41,315.43 from DSG’s General Account to replenish the Student Organization Finance Committee’s programming fund after it surpassed its yearly budget. 

We have too many clubs at this school

(04/02/23 11:00pm)

As we reach the end of the school year, it has become time to prepare for the next one. As the current president of Rotaract Club, I recently sent our applications for the executive board to current active members. This request came with the understanding that, unless a minimum number of people apply, the club will likely cease to exist. Don’t worry—this isn’t an ad to join my club, but a means to talk about the frustrations that come with our extracurricular involvements here at large.

Student Organization Finance Committee presents proposed overhaul of student group funding process to DSG Senate

(03/30/23 4:54am)

Duke Student Government senators heard a presentation on proposed overhauls to the student group funding process and approved updated constitutional reforms at their Wednesday meeting.