The Chronicle’s guide to staying on campus during spring break

Spring break starts on March 10, and The Chronicle has you covered if you’re staying on campus. Here are some fun activities and resources at Duke and around the Triangle area that students have access to over the break. 

Duke Dining

Beginning March 11, Marketplace, Red Mango, Devil’s Krafthouse, Trinity Cafe, Bella Union, Zweli’s, Freeman Center for Jewish Life, It’s Thyme and Saladelia Cafe at Sanford will be closed for the entirety of the break, reopening on March 19. 

Some dining facilities will operate on modified hours. Most Brodhead Center facilities will close at 8 p.m. instead of the usual 9 p.m., but many dining options will still operate on campus. 

Campus facilities

The Wilson Recreation Center and Taishoff Aquatics Pavilion will be closed from March 13 to 14, while the Brodie Recreation and Aquatics Center will be closed March 15 to 16. If you are looking to go camping over spring break, Duke Recreation & Physical Education offers camping equipment rental requests. Besides closures, recreation centers will run on modified schedules for spring break and will still host group fitness classes.

Libraries will stay open during the break, with all closing at 5 p.m. daily. The Music Library will be closed throughout the whole break. 

Campus mail services will operate in accordance with their regular hours, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on business days.

Student Health and Counseling and Psychological Services will also operate with regular hours during spring break. 

Campus activities 

With beautiful spring weather starting to pour in, it’s a great time to get outside.On campus, strolling through the Sarah P. Duke Gardens could be worth experiencing as the flora begins to bloom and colors pop left and right. 

The Duke Academic Guides have also put together a week of events for spring break. Activities include sticker making at the Innovation Co-Lab, earning a mental health first aid certification, and plushy making at the Co-Lab, among others.

Triangle Area activities

The break is also a great opportunity to get outside and discover new things about the surrounding area. Various walking tours will be hosted during spring break including free walking tours of Chapel Hill, the Original Downtown Raleigh Murals and Public Art Tour, a True Crime & Curious Tales Raleigh Walking Tour and a multitude of Tobacco Road Tours

As for Durham-specific options, the Durham Farmers Market will still operate on Saturdays, the Durham Performing Arts Center is worth checking out with performances scheduled during the week of spring break and Downtown Durham has plenty of food and shopping options. 

With St. Patrick’s Day coming up, there are also events scheduled to celebrate the holiday. The Raleigh St. Patrick’s Day Parade will take place on March 11 at 10 a.m., and on March 18, the St. Patrick’s Day Irish Festival will occur at Lafayette Village in Raleigh from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. The evening promises live music, food and opportunities to learn more about Irish culture. 

Michael Ramos profile
Michael Ramos | Staff Reporter

Michael Ramos is a Trinity first-year and a staff reporter of The Chronicle's 118th volume.


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