Personal Checks unify students

Duke students can enjoy the Personal Checks concert Saturday while they tent for the UNC game.
Duke students can enjoy the Personal Checks concert Saturday while they tent for the UNC game.

Although personal checks will be a little different this year with the concert on Saturday night—the second night of the checks—the hype and celebration around the event will likely be the same as in past years.

The checks will take place on the Friday and Saturday before the North Carolina game. Personal checks, also known as “P-checks,” is a time when every tenter is responsible for his or herself to be in Krzyzewskiville both nights in order to make three out of five of the tent checks. These are the last few checks that take place before Duke’s matchup against the Tar Heels Wednesday and must be attended in order to ensure getting a wristband for the game.

“This is a great event that brings everyone together to celebrate the end of tenting,” head line monitor Bradley Baird said. “It’s a really awesome time for everyone to come together to demonstrate the Cameron Crazie spirit.”

In years past, the concert has taken place on the first night of “P-checks,” resulting in greatly decreased attendees on night two of the event. It was originally reported that the concert would again be on Friday night this year.

“This year will be good because everyone always shows up for the first night of P-checks anyway and it’s a really festive atmosphere and everyone is super excited,” said Alex Shapanka, a senior line monitor and chair of Duke University Union’s Major Attractions committee, which puts on the concert. “On the second night people usually show up for one or two checks and then they leave. I think this year it will be good to get a crowd there and get people excited for both nights.”

The concert will feature up-and-coming DJ Tim Gunter along with The Knocks and A-Trak. Blue Devil junior Mitch Ruben, who was tabling for Saturday’s concert Wednesday in the Bryan Center, said he is enthusiastic about the concert being moved to the second day of the festivities and thinks that this year the concert will definitely exceed expectations.

“It will help that [the concert] is on the second night because as it gets closer to the game, there is a lot more hype and everyone’s getting more excited…. I know that Tim Gunter and The Knocks will do a great job leading up for A-Trak who has a really good reputation and will put on a great show.”

But personal checks is not just for those tenting in Krzyzewskiville, and instead is intended as an event to bring together the entire campus before the highly anticipated game against North Carolina.


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