MLK Day: The timeless trending of justice and equality

Yesterday marked the 44th anniversary of the assassination of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Every year on this day we actively remember the call for justice and the remaining obstacles that face many of us in the fight for equality. Throughout the year we may forget the greater purpose to our lives—broadly put: to make the world a better place, in the sense that we should strive to make differences that more align our world with our values. And even as Duke students, we must remember our university’s commitment to applying knowledge in the service of society, both at home and abroad. The time for justice is always now. The time for equality is always now. Buying TOMS shoes and spending your lecture classes on, while admirable initiatives, are sorry excuses if they make us feel like we are being the change we wish to see in the world. Listed below are some ways we as Duke students can be more civically engaged.

Duke Global Health Institute

Hart Leadership Program

Apply for a Duke Engage domestic or international service-learning program

Search the Duke Partnership for Service database of the many volunteer organizations on campus for one that interests you:

Duke Center for Civic Engagement

Center for Race Relations - Every semester the CRR also hosts Common Ground, a student-led diversity immersion retreat.

Women’s Center

LGBT Center









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