Those Columnists

Today is April Fools Day.

You probably figured as much by The Chomicle cover of The Chronicle.

In Recess, we struggled to figure out how to acknowledge this non-holiday in our silly pages that I frequently hope no one reads.

Since our pages are mostly full of content (no thanks to Kid Cudi’s refusal to give interviews—or so certain students say), we thought the cover would be a great site for some April Tomfoolery.

In tossing ideas around, someone suggested Recess columnists Jack Wilkinson and Brooke Hartley should be photographed making out. It would be blown up large, lots of students could see it.

Wilkinson and Hartley have never met. Nonetheless, Jack, who spends hours up here every night because he is always taking too much time writing, sent Brooke a text message. A “TXT” as the kids call it.

Moments later, Brooke was on the phone with Jack.

As you probably figured out, in spite of editor Will Robinson’s approval, the cover never materialized. It stopped at the idea stage.

That said, the conversation did raise an interesting issue. Other than Monday, Monday, Brooke and Jack are the only Chronicle columnists who do not have photographs running alongside their columns. You, the reader, must have no idea what they look like.

I could make a go at ekphrasis, but I’m not going to. Instead, I’m going to tell you that in spite of their habitual tardiness in writing columns, they are both beautiful on the inside.

There might not be a photo of either of The Chronicle’s two best columnists, but don’t let that distract you from the fact that they’re are wholly wonderful people who enrich these pathetic pages with their 600 words each week. Thanks pals.


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