Golden Globe Nominations

And the award for worst nominations of 2009 goes to...

The Hollywood Foreign Press Association released the nominations for the 2009 Golden Globe awards this morning. Notable snubs include Milk in the best picture-drama, best director, best screenplay and for Josh Brolin in the supporting actor categories (maybe it has something to do with the kiss). Sean Penn scored that film's only nomination. James Franco did, however, get a best supporting actor for Pineapple Express. Alongside Franco in this category are Robert Downey, Jr. in Tropic Thunder and Tom Cruise for the same film. Tom Cruise.

Perhaps the biggest surprise was In Bruges earning nominations in the best picture (musical or comedy) and best actor category for Colin Farrell.

The TV category was unexciting, but Duke got some attention for the Doris Duke-inspired Bernard And Doris.

The Golden Globe Awards will broadcast Jan. 11 from Hollywood.


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