Editor's Note 27: Contradictions

There are many double standards that persist in modern society.

Women are sluts, while men are considered studs. Aggressive men are confident and aggressive women (Hillary Clinton) are considered "female dogs." You don't mind me saying hi to you at a bar, but when I sneak into your house it is all of a sudden stalking.

However, the double standard of racism in America is probably the most prevalent and the most troublesome.

There are certain groups that are not okay to make fun of (read: everyone but Asians), but it is okay for minorities to do so. Also the color of your skin makes it okay to say things about white people, but if you are white you better watch your words.

Probably the biggest example of the double-standard is the n-word. Unless you are black, the word has the power to get you fired from your job and permanently tarnish your reputation.

However, many members of the African-American community argue that it is about intent, but if even if you intend it to mean "best person in the world" it is not acceptable. Furthermore, many black individuals use it in a derogatory and divisive manner with as much fervor as a member of the Klu Klux Klan.

Whether you use -gga or -ger, the n-word and other words, phrases and stereotypes shouldn't be purported no matter the color of your skin or the intent in your heart. Unless the words are used in hatred, it should either all be okay or none of it is permissible.

My solution? Create so many false stereotypes and offensive phrases that eventually everything melts away and blends together. That reminds me, did you hear that Native Americans love eggplant... those frinsabaggers.


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