Molly Bierman elected to lead council in '08-'09

Following hours of deliberation, Campus Council members elected its 2008-2009 executive board Thursday night, selecting junior Molly Bierman as its president.

Serving alongside her will be junior Kevin Thompson, vice president; sophomore Sean Puneky, treasurer; junior Hope Lu, programming coordinator; and sophomore Austin Boehm (a member of The Chronicle's independent editorial board), facilities and services chair.

President Ryan Todd, a senior, said the election was an especially tough one with many close votes. "Molly showed a really strong commitment and good ideas," he said. "She demonstrated that she was dedicated, intelligent and elegant."

Bierman said she plans on communicating with the administration about residential changes on Central and West campuses.

"As a student representative, I would definitely like to be approachable and welcome the challenge of being a liaison to the administration and to other student groups regarding residential needs," she said. "I feel really privileged to have the opportunity to represent what people want in a place they live in more than they live at home."

Lu, who was re-elected to her position as programming coordinator, said she plans to expand on successful events in her first term and on the council's relationship with diverse organizations.

"I want to continue working on co-sponsoring events with other campus organizations that we normally might not have the opportunity to socialize with," she said.

Thompson, who will also serve a second term in his current post, said he will use the institutional knowledge he has gained to advance the council's efforts.

"I really believe in small, tangible projects, but I also want to expand into much broader, grander issues that Campus Council has never before pursued because they seem too large," he said.

New executive board members Puneky and Boehm said they bring fresh perspective to their respective committees.

Members of the newly elected board will assume their positions in April after a one-month transition period.

"I hope next year the council will continue to advocate for students," Todd added. "We will be a more vocal and visible organization."


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