Editor's Note 22: On Shows

People at this campus always complain about the type of shows being done partially or fully with student money. Why should we suffer through a crappy pop-rock band like Boys Like Girls, when we could get critic darlings Arcade Fire for the same amount?

The most recent clamor is over the Sex Workers' Art Show. I won't mention it any further, but to those who support it: Really? That is art? To those against it: Why are you whining so much? Get over it.

Not everybody will be happy. I don't think social conservatives were particularly happy when gay "basketball player"-I mean he averaged less than 20 minutes per game-was paid as a speaker last fall. On the other side of the coin, many females on campus were offended that the same Union would pay for the overtly-misogynistic Tucker Max to visit his alma matter.

My Last Day of Classes' concert experience has been disappointing to say the least. I-and I know I am not alone in this-feel that the choices have been pretty much geared to a vapid, yuppie white-washed culture that doesn't appreciate "good" music. That is my subjective opinion, but for my LDOC I want to rock not soft-rock. Collective Soul, Guster, Jason Mraz and Third Eye Blind were all brought to Duke way past their prime. They were expired like month-old fish.

Do I have any better suggestions? No, but we all whine. The point is that students are used to pointing out the shows they don't want to go to while ignoring the quality events. Both the Duke Coffeehouse and Duke Performances bring outstanding artists, but shows are severely underattended. Maybe if we spent less time complaining, we'd have more time to attend the good shows.


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