Editor's Note 21: on love

It's the time for red and pink, flowers and chocolates, stuffed animals and reciprocal sexual favors-it's Valentine's Day. For some of us Valentine's is known as Singles Awareness Day-a fact that we open-hearted are reminded of every year... 21 cold, lonely years.

Finding a girl that shares your interests (film, New Wave bands, whittling) is hard enough, asking her out on a date is another problem entirely. In fact, if you meet a girl that is cool enough to date it is probably in your best interest to just remain friends-the national budget isn't the only thing in deficit.

This mode of thinking is probably the reason why my nickname is still V-Card. But enough of the self-deprecating humor-my shrink tells me it is not as healthy as my mother says it is.

For those of you who can find love, I salute you. You can actually stop reading this Editor's Note here. Wait for it... wait for it... okay they're gone.

Whew, that was close. I can't believe they actually bought it. Isn't it great being single? Please remember to bring your own cup to the super secret singles party Thursday night. It is going to be killer. Shhh... I think the couple-y people are coming back.

Hey there! You couldn't stay away, could you? I was just moping about how sad I was that I am alone on Valentine's Day.

Kidding aside (or in front or underneath, if you choose), I think we make too much of this day. Rather than stress out about the perfect date, we should be focusing on non-romantic love. Find some people you can stand and just watch a movie or chill.

Cause in the end it doesn't matter if your nickname is V-Card, just as long as you have friends who are close enough to use it.


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