Bids in, Delta Sig says it will stay on campus

Although Delta Sigma Phi ended rush with fewer pledges than expected, the fraternity has since attracted more freshmen and is planning to remain on campus, officers confirmed.

"The people we saw during rush weren't a good fit with Delta Sig, so after what happened with rush, we sort of sought out guys who would be a good fit," said Delta Sig President Heath Gray, a junior. "We're definitely staying on campus."

Although the official number of recruits remains unconfirmed, freshman pledges estimated that the class size is around 10, after snap bidding.

"It's right at 10," said one freshman pledge, who wished to remain unnamed. "I got a real bid-there's only one snap bid in there."

Fraternities are required to fill 16 beds in order to keep their sections, but residents do not necessarily have to be sophomores, said Todd Adams, assistant dean of students for fraternity and sorority life.

Adams confirmed that he had been in contact with Delta Sig to discuss the fraternity's housing options.

Though upperclassman officers said they were confident about Delta Sig's decision to remain on campus, several pledges said they were unsure about housing for next year.

"Supposedly we're going to stay on campus and have single rooms," a freshman pledge said.

Despite recent speculation about Delta Sig's future, several pledges said they remain optimistic.

"Everyone always says that there's like four pledges," said another freshman pledge, who wished to remain anonymous. "Originally, when everyone was giving out bids, they were talking about [moving off campus]."

Gray said it is not uncommon for fraternities to discuss moving off campus.

"There are a lot of benefits to going off campus, but really there are a lot of benefits to staying on, too," he said. "Of course a lot of people were talking about it, but it was never that serious from our end."

Some pledges agreed that Delta Sig's tradition as an on-campus fraternity is important in discussing the organization's future.

"When people were overreacting, yeah, [moving off campus] was discussed, but then we realized that Delta Sig has a lot of history here on campus," another pledge said.

Though many pledges had standing offers from other fraternities, they said they remain confident in their decision to pledge Delta Sig.

"It was Delta Sig or go home for me," one pledge added. "I love those guys."


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