Allegations are disturbing

The entire Duke community should be ashamed and outraged by the alleged events that occurred at the lacrosse party March 13. Student athletes have the privilege of representing our University on and off the field, and if allegations of a gang-rape, robbery and assault are proven true, the Duke men's lacrosse team has truly shamed our school. I readily commend the athletic department for making the team forfeit two games, but it seems this action was taken not in an effort to sanction the team's behavior; rather, it appeared to be a last-minute decision made in response to the protest that had been planned to take place at the Georgetown game this past Saturday. I sincerely hope that that protest will be rescheduled for the next home game that is played, and I will be in full support of it.

In the meantime, may the community respond with outrage and demand the highest level of integrity from the administration, the coaches and the players involved in the alleged incident.

And may students come together next week, during Sexual Assault Prevention Week, to firmly state that we will not tolerate such behavior, nor will we associate with people who do.

Nina Ehrlich

Trinity '06


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