Racial comments intolerable

On this campus, when a Chronicle column makes an insensitive comment about African Americans, or Jewish Americans, for example, all hell would break loose. But hey, we can make fun of Asians all we want, right? People say, "They're not really a minority group. They're not discriminated against. Besides, they're too passive to rise up and raise their voice against this kind of thing."

With disgust, many Asian Americans have dealt with this double standard of racism their entire lives. The United States has historically treated Asian immigrants as foreigners no matter what the circumstances. Sadly, this type of attitude towards Asians still exists in this society, and it is the most unfortunate when such racism occurs in the newspaper column of such a prestigious institution as Duke University.

I am furious at the notion that this kind of racism may go unnoticed at Duke, especially in such a visible medium as a Chronicle column.

Sam Lee

Trinity '07


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