Goodbye to Elliott's

College life, as we have come to know it, has come to an end. The removal of Elliott Wolf's enormous media compilation, affectionately known around campus simply as "Elliott's" has only served to deliver yet another blow to the social life of Duke students. Many students have come to rely on Elliott's site to keep up with favorite TV shows they can't always watch live, or to see movies they don't want to have to trek over to East Campus to maybe get. In the absence of a school sponsored media outlet, Elliott unselfishly filled a void in the Duke social scene. And while downloading the latest Grey's Anatomy from Elliott's is far from other social activity favorites of the student body, it nevertheless had its own place. I'd like to formally thank Elliott for all of the effort (and money) he put into the site and implore Duke administrators and student leaders to find a way to revive his site (or some form of it). Here's to hoping we can get back some form of Elliott's site, and soon-because Grey's is new next week!

Kim Marston

Trinity '06


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