Ronald McDonald House for kids

I loved Joe Cox's column "Don't be a hypocrite" (Nov. 18, 2005). No matter how much I enjoyed it and how many times it made me laugh (a lot)-I couldn't let his comment about the Ronald McDonald House slip by.

First of all, community service at the RMH is neither meaningless for the people who contribute their time or for the families who must stay there while their children receive treatment at the Duke Hospital. Furthermore, how does Cox's comment about packaging condoms fit in? The RMH provides a safe and supportive environment for parents who feel overwhelming despair over their children's physical well-being. We are lucky enough to have a House right here on campus. Give them a call to see if there are any events or projects that you can get involved with. Go play with the kids. Cook them a meal. Don't pass community service off as a waste of time.

Lauren Phillips-Thoryn

Trinity '06



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