A&S hires 10 target profs

Trinity College of Arts and Sciences will welcome 34 new senior-level professors next year, including 10 identified as members of a “wish list” for new hires.

Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences George McLendon and other top academic officials aggressively recruited top professors from across the nation and around the globe.

The hires will arrive from top-tier institutions including Yale University, Princeton University and University College in London.

The professors will also work in a variety of disciplines ranging from primatology and ethnomusicology to archaeology and genomics.

The 10 target hires are Carla Antonaccio of Wesleyan University; Patricia Bauer of Minnesota University; Paul Berliner of Northwestern University; Eduardo Bonilla-Silva of Texas A&M University; David Goldstein of University College, London; Thomas Mitchell-Olds of the Max Planck Society; David Rohde of Michigan State University; Warren Warren of Princeton; Claire Williams of Texas A&M; and Anne Yoder of Yale.

Duke officials credit the successful recruitment to McLendon’s efforts and the University’s appeal as both an institution and community.


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