Central overhaul delayed

Officials announced in early June that the University has pushed back the first phase of Central Campus renovations by one year. The project is now set for completion in Fall 2008.

The University said the decision to delay the revitalization initiative was made largely in response to an expected housing crunch created by the increased enrollment of the Pratt School of Engineering by 200 students over four years.

“The idea to push the project to 2008 is based on our own sense of the pace of what we can do,” Provost Peter Lange said in June. “To do this right, we felt the extra time would be useful.”

Phase I of the project will involve destroying the Central Campus’ current apartments and replacing them with new living facilities integrated with academic spaces. In later phases of the project, the University hopes to build various student life facilities, which could potentially include performance spaces, restaurants and a media center.

Duke also announced in June that it will seek University College District zoning for the new campus. The decision was welcomed by Durham residents who have expressed concern that Central will draw customers and income from local businesses.


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