Chin for Academic Affairs

Junior Christopher Chin is responsible for a number of small, yet tangible, changes over the past year. He got staplers put in all computer labs on campus and recently helped launch DevilDVD, a program that allows students to rent popular DVDs from Lilly Library. In addition to his work with the Academic Affairs committee this year, Chin has a good understanding of the major issues that will face the committee next year, and he is the best candidate for Vice President of Academic Affairs.

Joe Fore, a sophomore, has shown passion for DSG as he almost single-handedly pushed through a constitutional amendment concerning the culture of academic integrity. Fore will make a great Senator for another year and would likely be an excellent candidate for VP of Academic Affairs next spring. For now, however, Fore does not have a comprehensive understanding of the scope of the Academic Affairs committee and does not have the priorities of the committee in order.

One issue that is rehashed by the Vice President of Academic Affairs every year is that of the availability of course evaluations. Fore is under the impression that more of the same will properly address the issue, while Chin sees the need to revamp the system.

If DSG hopes to make any strides on course evaluations, it cannot wait for the Academic Council to vote in favor of an opt-out system. Instead, DSG must be proactive and cause change. We believe Chin is the candidate who can effect that change.

The Chronicle endorses Christopher Chin for VP of Academic Affairs.


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