Trent draws 80 students in lottery

Despite its stigma as one of the worst places to live on campus, Trent Drive Hall--complete with lower prices and other incentives--lured 80 residents during this year's housing selection process.

"I certainly did not expect that we would have this many students interested in Trent," Assistant Dean of Student Development Bill Burig wrote in an e-mail. "I have even had students contact me to find out if living in Trent is an option for them when they return in the spring semester after studying abroad."

In an attempt to entice rising juniors and seniors, housing officials converted all doubles into singles and offered the rooms at singles prices. In addition, students in a block of six or more will have an extra room.

Next semester, 53 men and 27 women will live in Trent, and housing officials doled out three extra rooms for blocks.

Sophomore Chris Garson, who entered the early housing picks for Trent, said he chose to live in the dorm so he could have a single and be close to his friends at the same time.

"I was kind of worried about my chances of rooming with people I know and getting a room on West," Garson said. "I personally don't mind. I get a single room at a double room rate and double room size."

Junior Laura Daniel agreed.

"I get a really big room, one of the biggest ones, and if Grace's [Cafe] stays, that's a plus," she said. "There are definitely advantages. I'm trying to see the brighter side."

Burig said that initially, 95 students chose rooms in Trent, but after housing officials held a selection session to fill remaining singles on West Campus, 15 students were reassigned.

"There have been no complaints," he said. "No one was forced to be in Trent. [They chose Trent] rather than pairing up and picking doubles or choosing a Central Campus apartment."

Even more students may live there next year, Burig said, citing specifically students returning from a leave of absence or study abroad.


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