ARC completes final 11 reviews

Only one selective living group--Psi Upsilon fraternity--was awarded with an outstanding rating in the second round of annual review results, which were released yesterday. Three groups received good ratings, three were given satisfactory grades and SHARE received a rating of satisfactory with warning. Results for three other groups could not be confirmed.

"We're very happy with the results," said Tedd Walther, president of Psi Upsilon. "[The Annual Review Committee] said we had a very solid program."

The ARC, which reviews selective living groups based on seven categories, found that SHARE did not complete its cultural programming requirement, suggesting a more cohesive effort on the members' part.

SHARE President Ben Morris, a sophomore, said he is satisfied with the findings, admitting that the house's spring 2001 members had not been as active as those in the fall semester.

Leaders of Kappa Sigma fraternity and the Arts Theme House could not be reached for comment and Women's Studies president Jane Woodman declined to release the house's results.

"I respect the members of the Annual Review Committee," Woodman said. "But [I] feel that there needs to be changes in how selective houses and frats are evaluated, specifically related to each living group's individual purposes, goals and contributions to campus life."

But other selective living groups said they were happy with the process this year. The groups lauded the committee's effort in giving feedback and making themselves available. "Meeting with them was a good idea," said Monisha Saran, president of Prism. "It made their expectations clearer, which we may not have known beforehand."

Kappa Alpha Order fraternity, which was on probation last year, received a rating of satisfactory.

"Our group is satisfied with the rating," said senior Michael Calvo, former KA president. "It's something we're proud of after being on probation."

Delta Sigma Phi fraternity, which had to meet a contract due to poor ratings last year, received a good rating this time. Colin Kelly, the group's president, said he hopes his fraternity will improve more in the future. Among the categories the ARC suggested Delta Sig could improve upon was student-led programming. Kelly said the group already had ideas to improve in this category, such as having a panel discussion with brothers who recently went abroad.

Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity also received a good rating but leaders said they could have received a better rating.

"I think we put forth a lot of effort, and I could easily see us with an outstanding [rating]," said Pika President Chris Gough, a junior.

Although Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc., has received outstanding ratings in the past, the group received a "good" this time. Alpha President Jason Porter, a senior, said his group was not happy with the downgrade. He added that among the categories which the fraternity needed to work on was faculty interaction.

Prism received a rating of good while Sigma Chi and Sigma Nu received satisfactory grades. Leaders of all three living groups said they were satisfied.


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