Union elects Hindman as president

Newly elected University Union President Jeff Hindman said he plans to further develop the foundation laid by outgoing President Cynthia Hanawalt and the current executive board by focusing on the organization's programming,

"I think this has been a textbook year," said Hindman, an engineering junior. "Continuing that is a definite priority."

The Union's new executive board and committee chairs are still being finalized; officers will be announced Feb. 8.

Hindman, currently chair of the Major Attractions committee, attributed the Union's success in drawing big-name acts with increased resources; at the end of last year, undergraduates voted to pay $5 extra to support the Union's programming.

"We did a good job using the fee increase from last year," Hindman said. "A strong Broadway at Duke or a show like Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds would not have happened without the resources."

Although Hindman cited the upcoming Dave Matthews concert as one of the Union's major successes this year, he named "creative programming" like the Jan. 22 Casino Night as another top priority. He also pointed to the renewed popularity of the Coffeehouse's shows as a smaller-scale example of the Union's programming range.

"It's going to be tough for me, having had a hands-on approach to programming, to step back and look at the bigger picture," said Hindman, who served as the Onstage Committee chair his sophomore year. Still, Hindman said his previous positions have provided him with the ability to effectively manage the Union's 11 departments. "I have a very good knowledge of where the Union is and how it works from my experience in the last two years. If anything, it will enable the chairs to do more with their committees."

Hindman said he had no concrete plans for the Bryan Center renovations, an ongoing process with an indefinite completion date. The Union is responsible for Bryan Center policy.

"We need to continue making the Bryan Center a place where students want to come for more than just checking mail," he said. "What's possible within our framework, I don't know."

Hanawalt, a Trinity senior, said that she has the "utmost confidence" in Hindman's presidency.

"Jeff has transformed every role he's held in the Union so far," she said. "In both positions he's really implemented creative change, and solved some tricky challenges."


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