Out of line

While controlling hundreds of students may seem impossible, it is apparent that some mistakes were made that led to the mayhem at Sunday's game. Public Safety informed DSG officials that tents registering after Thursday morning might not be able to get into the game due to the fire codes and seating restrictions. DSG officials did not convey this possibility to tent inhabitants as they eagerly set up camp and as a result, many of these students were turned away from the game. In their outrage, many of these students have accused DSG of being lax in their duties and unscrupulous in their admittance policies. There have been allegations that tent checks were not done properly and that many unstamped people were let into the game by DSG officials.

The gym filled much more quickly than DSG officials intended; it is obvious that the system broke down at several points. The amount of tents that should be set up in K-Ville seems to be a simple math problem. There are a limited number of student seats. Dividing the number of seats available by the number of tents, at 10 students per tent, yields the number of tents allowed. It may seem tedious to let students into Cameron tent by tent, but that is what the line monitoring system was set up to do. There is only one student entrance into Cameron, and while it is difficult, it is not impossible, to regulate who comes in and whether or not they bear the stamp and have been present for the required amount of tent checks. Moreover, tent checks should be done as stipulated by DSG guidelines.

DSG often complains of student apathy, but line monitoring is one service that students really do care about. For some students, it is the only time that they have direct contact with DSG. By their lack of professionalism and organization with K-Ville this year, DSG has not only hurt its image in student's eyes but betrayed their trust as well.

While there may be a few students who have little respect for K-Ville's code of ethics, it is DSG's responsibility to find them. DSG's first priority should be to the students that put their lives on hold for weeks so that they can support the basketball team and continue the legacy of the Cameron Crazies. As for the line-jumpers who are dishonest enough to sneak into the game and lucky enough to circumvent university policy, DSG officials should be ashamed of themselves.


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