Community fondly remembers graduate

Friends of Linda Ironside, Trinity '86, who died Thursday after a car accident on Aug. 27, say Ironside exuded tremendous energy in a life characterized by diverse interests.

She was "someone who was going to go places with passion, commitment and care," said Jean O'barr, director of the women's studies program. After receiving her bachelor's degree in English and psychology, Ironside went on to achieve a master's degree with a concentration in women's studies last year.

Ironside's academic interests were quite varied, said Sauda Zahra, one of her classmates during her year of graduate study.

"She looked for higher levels of consciousness and was always interested in improving herself," Zahra said. She added that Ironside's goal of self-improvement was only one of many factors that attracted her to Ironside.

"She was very esoteric, but down to earth at the same time," Zahra said. "She didn't just look at things at face value."

O'barr remembers Ironside's passion for the arts. Both had an interest in films with feminine perspectives, and the two often would run into each other at the movie theater.

Ironside would remark about the peculiarity of the coincidence, and the two then enjoyed discussing the films afterwards, O'barr said.

Ironside showed her enthusiasm not only in academia, but in the Triangle community as well. "She had a lot of interests, which was proven by the variety of people at her memorial service [on Sunday]," Zahra said.

Ironside served as the program officer and associate director of the Triangle Community Foundation and later as the executive director of Leadership Triangle, a program designed to educate young regional leaders.

Most recently, she worked as the director of the Capital Campaign Feasibility Study for the City Gallery of Contemporary Art. Additionally, she wrote freelance restaurant and film reviews.


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