University's smoking policy for eateries to be revised

The University is currently in the process of reevaluating its smoking policy for campus dining facilities.

"A revised policy should be out by the end of the week," said Wes Newman, director of Dining and Special Events.

Last week, ASDU legislators passed a resolution aimed at banning smoking in all campus dining areas from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. This resolution was amended to exclude the Pub located on Central Campus before it was approved. Additionally, the East Campus Coffee House is exempt from the resolution because it is not considered to be University-run.

"Smoking detracts from other people's eating experience, sometimes causes allergic reactions, and generally can detract from the health of those around the smoker," said Trinity sophomore Tanuja Garde, author of the resolution. "The designated smoking areas as they exist now are ineffective in dividing smokers from non-smokers."

Newman said he thought of the resolution as representative of student opinion. "I want to move in the direction of the ASDU resolution," he said.

Newman will meet this week with the managers of the different campus eateries to create a new policy regarding smoking.

"The Oak Room has been smoke free for several years now. When we first implemented the program we had some strongly negative reaction from some students, but since then we have had few incidents," said Faye McIntosh, Oak Room manager.

Some students who smoke said their rights would be infringed upon by a new, tougher policy.

"The policy should remain as it has been in the past. There should be a smoking section in each restaurant," said Greg Hanes, Trinity junior.

"You don't want to ruin the atmosphere of these places," said Vivan Pinto, Trinity sophomore.

Garde disagrees. "I'm not telling them not to smoke, but as it is now, they are infringing on the rights of others. It is like drunk driving - its a danger to someone else. This is a preventative measure," she said.

The Medical Center is completely smoke free, but other University facilities like the Bryan Center allow smoking in some areas.

"Smoking is allowed in the Bryan Center, but not in areas such as behind the elevators near the Boyd-Pishko. When someone rents Von Canon it is up to that particular individual to decide whether or not smoking will be allowed," said Jim Slaughter, manager of the Bryan Center.

University employees are permitted to smoke in specified break areas, Newman said.

Garde will be meeting with Newman on Wednesday to discuss the possible changes to the smoking policies.


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