Baseball keeps Bishops in check for 6-1 Senior Day win

The baseball team's four seniors went out victorious in the final home game of their careers as Duke defeated North Carolina Wesleyan 6-1 at historic Jack Coombs Field.

Freshman David Darwin scattered eight hits and had the help of a triple play to shut out the Bishops and earn his sixth victory of the season.

Despite the solid performance by the freshman, it was a day to honor Duke's four seniors. Mike Olexa, Cass Hopkins, Matt Harrell and Phil Harrell, were recognized before the game for their contributions to the team over the past four years. All four saw action, and the emotional high point of the game occurred in the eighth inning when pitcher Phil Harrell went in as a pinch hitter.

The only other time Harrell had batted in his Duke career was when he singled during a game in his freshman year. The team stood and cheered enthusiastically as Harrell stepped up to the plate. Harrell drilled a line drive foul just past third base before being called for a third strike on a low and outside pitch.

"[The seniors] were excited," head coach Steve Traylor said. "That's why we tried to get Phil Harrell in there for his senior at bat. We try to get our senior pitchers to bat and Phil almost hit a double down the line and then he got rung up on a terrible call. But they were excited about the game and did a great job."

The seniors expressed their pleasure about the improvement of the baseball team over the past four years. They also looked forward to Duke's chances of advancing to postseason play.

"I feel thankful that I could have been part of a program that has been up and coming," Phil Harrell said. "Last year we had our first really successful season. We were 38-16 and this year we're building on that. It's been great to be a part of that program."

"I think the highlight of my time here is what is happening right now," Olexa said. "I think we have a good chance of going to the regionals and that's always been a goal of ours. The best moment is our team doing so well this year."

And part of the team's success is due to the performances of freshmen like Darwin. Tuesday, Darwin (6-2) scattered eight hits and struck out four on his way to shutting out the Bishops over seven innings. Darwin allowed five runners to reach scoring position, but was able to pitch his way out of each situation.

"[Darwin] got himself in trouble, but he also got himself out of trouble, so I thought David did a good job," Traylor said.

The defense also provided a spark for the Blue Devils by turning a triple play in the fourth. With runners on first and third and Duke leading 1-0, N.C. Wesleyan first baseman Scott Morgan grounded the ball to third baseman Sean McNally. McNally then relayed the ball to second baseman Jeff Piscorik who threw it to Scott Pinoni at first base for the second out.

Meanwhile, the Bishops' Tom D'Aquila attempted to score from third base. Pinoni fired the ball to catcher Matt Harrell, who tagged out D'Aquila in a home plate collision in which Harrell injured his nose.

"Matt held on and made a great play," Traylor said. "It got us out of a real jam. It was 1-0 with runners on first and third with no one out [and] to turn a triple play, that's picking your spot to have a triple play."

Duke scored the game's initial run in the first inning. With two outs and the bases empty, Mike Gleza, the losing pitcher for the Bishops, walked center fielder Ryan Jackson. Pinoni then doubled to center field, driving in Jackson.

The Blue Devils added two more runs in the fourth inning. Pinoni singled to lead off the inning and scored on Ray Farmer's two-out triple. Piscorik then singled to drive home Farmer.

Right fielder Hopkins walked to lead off the fifth inning. He stole second base and reached third on a ground out by designated hitter Mike King. Hopkins then scored on a sacrifice fly by Jackson.

Darwin encountered his greatest trouble in the top of the sixth inning, walking two batters and hitting another with a pitch. But, he salvaged his shutout by striking out Marvin Johnson with two outs and the bases loaded.

Duke scored again in the sixth as McNally walked and was singled to third by shortstop Olexa. Farmer then drilled a pitch 390 feet to center field for a sacrifice fly which allowed McNally to score.

The Blue Devils' final run came with two outs in the seventh inning. Jackson tripled and scored his second run of the game when Pinoni followed with a double.

The Blue Devils have six games remaining in the regular season, three at Virginia and three at North Carolina. They probably need to finish in fourth place in the Atlantic Coast Conference to assure a spot in the NCAA Regional Tournament.

Traylor said the Blue Devils will be going to a three-man rotation of Jackson, Phil Harrell and Scott Schoeneweis for the remainder of the regular season. This means that Darwin, despite his fine performance Tuesday, will be relegated to relief duty.

"[Darwin's] had a couple of good outings in a row and he'll be a good guy to bring out of the bullpen in our next six games," Traylor said.

It will be those six games that will decide the Blue Devils' postseason fortunes.

"Our fate is in our own hands as far as finishing fourth place," Traylor said. "It looks like we need to win two of three against Virginia and then come back and win two out of three at Carolina. We have to come out and play our best baseball. This is the time of year when you have to play your best baseball and earn your position. We're in a good position to finish where we need to finish."


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