
The Duke Chronicle

Playing the Majors

For Carlos Boozer, being a sociology major isn't necessarily about workloads, ease or simply following in the long line of Blue Devil basketball players to study humans' social tendencies.

The Duke Chronicle

Climbing the Rankings

The very notion of a ranking implies the capacity for climbing higher. But when the order is set in stone year after year, it may seem the competitors are climbing in place.

The Duke Chronicle

To our readers

Growing up, I had a hard time understanding the significance of celebrating a new year. Except for the date and an annoying inability to remember it until I had written the wrong one across all my...

The Duke Chronicle

History of Hospitality

Durham Regional Hospital's progenitors were two hospitals founded in the midst of segregation--Watts Hospital opened its doors for white patients in 1895 and Lincoln Hospital, founded in 1901,...

The Duke Chronicle

A Redirected Future

When former Midway flight attendant Gwen Savoy went to Target to pick up some air conditioning filters, she wasn't prepared for what she'd see.

The Duke Chronicle

A Surprising Relocation

Standing in Sunday sunlight with a colleague who asked how I was adjusting to life in Durham and at Duke, I smiled and said North Carolina can be a surprising place.

The Duke Chronicle

End of an Era

Whether one loves or hates Jesse Helms, the conclusion of his 26-year career in the Senate will mark the end of one of the most notorious tenures in the history of Congress.

The Duke Chronicle

Generation TT

The faces said it all that afternoon: shock, pain, uncertainty, tears. On Sept. 11, students and other members of the Duke community packed the Sanford Institute for an open forum.

The Duke Chronicle


In the aftermath of the tragic attacks that occurred in September, the nation's largest newspapers have devoted countless articles to answering the questions that are on the minds of Americans: Who...

The Duke Chronicle

To our readers

We call it the Gothic Wonderland. It's a world of joy and minor problems, where a B minus on a test and one boring Saturday night can qualify for a bad weekend. It's our bubble, where the world...

The Duke Chronicle

A Delicate Balance

For most proponents of abortion rights, this summer's debate over human embryonic stem-cell research did not present much of a debate at all: If embryos are not living humans, then their...

The Duke Chronicle

To Our Readers:

Ok, I'll say it. I miss the Hideaway. When I heard over the summer that Duke's infamous, decades-old, on-campus bar was closing, I figured it wouldn't matter. "It's just a bar," I told myself.