Editorial Board

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An Americana death, part II

While we can try to wait until people are finished mourning in the aftermath of each tragedy before we act, we will never find a proper time to do so given the prevalence of gun violence in this country. That is essence of the problem. Epidemics must be stymied as they happen, before the next great gun tragedy manifests itself.   

The Duke Chronicle

Institutional skeletons

At a school where nearly half of the undergraduate body identifies as students of color, we cannot continue to hide our past and present institutional complicity in oppressing people of color. Duke has a clear history of supporting systems of oppression and racial hierarchies; in light of recent events at Princeton and Georgetown, we should seek to acknowledge and atone for this history in a manner consistent with the diverse values of our university. 


One year later

One year ago, after months of divisive rhetoric and troubling headlines during his election campaign, Donald Trump shocked the world by becoming the 45th President of the United States.

The Duke Chronicle

The tragic loss of girlhood

Regardless of the outcome of the Alabama Senate race, one thing is clear: as a society, there is still much work to do in order to create a safe future that women and girls deserve.

The Duke Chronicle

Dying on fraternity row

The swift measures taken by FSU’s president were a courageous exemplar of how to handle this type of event and serves as an opportunity for other universities to consider what should be done about problems within Greek life. 


Mr. Smith goes to Raleigh

As the nation gears up towards 2020, it is extremely important that we as voters remain acutely aware of the many opportunities to affect change through the various state and local elections happening around us.

The Duke Chronicle

Consumers of Cameron

The complex dynamic existing between professional sports, politics and consumerism is one not only limited to the NBA or NFL; our high-profile men’s basketball team is no different. At a university where division I college sports is heavily interwoven into the fabric of campus life, it is something worth remembering next time we go cheering for the Blue Devils at Wallace Wade and Cameron. 

The Duke Chronicle

Improving spring breakthrough

Duke should continue to foster academic exploration and intellectual curiosity for its many students beyond the sophomore year deadline for major declaration. One amazing way to do this would be opening up Spring Breakthrough to all students at the University beyond just the freshmen and sophomore classes.  

The Duke Chronicle

Trump's tax turmoil

For millions of Americans, including those here at Duke, the proposed GOP tax plan represents a legislative attack on working class families and students for the benefit of corporations and religious conservative elements that clearly stand to profit immensely from the bill.

The Duke Chronicle

Chartering support for public schools

If Duke students are genuinely concerned with educational issues, we must work towards halting the ever-quickening crawl of inequitable schooling throughout North Carolina, including Durham. At a university where 15 percent of the student body are products of the state educational system, and where 66 percent come from public schools, Duke has a special duty to ensure that such schools remain well-funded and dedicated to democratic values.  

The Duke Chronicle

Examining western apathy

 In order for the global community to take steps to combat terrorism and mend the social, political and economic ills that culminate in acts of violence, Westerners must first demand those issues be given more importance in media.

The Duke Chronicle

Prioritizing health during midterms

All in all, as exam dates approach and word counts are painstakingly met, do yourself a favor and take care to remember the importance of healthy stress coping techniques and dietary habits. Your grades—and your body—will thank you later.

The Duke Chronicle

Putting Durham first

Ultimately, Duke students should strive to care more about Durham: our temporary home and the permanent home to thousands of residents who will be here after us. It is on us as a voting block to make choices and back programs that will benefit the community at large. 

The Duke Chronicle

Rethinking MOOCs

MOOCs can provide world-class information and learning but democratizing education is not the same as democratizing opportunity.  

The Duke Chronicle

Planning for a better Duke

True to the title of the plan, “Together Duke,” this new vision should represent a future in which all members of the Duke community remain actively aware of and involved in.