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Opposing certain proposals does not equal racism

(04/04/02 5:00am)

It's a little ironic that Martin Barna, in calling for an end to racial tensions in his April 3 column, only enforces them. The only way to solve problems of race is to have an honest exchange of different ideas. But as Barna sees it, some people have the right ideas, and some people knowingly argue the wrong ideas to perpetuate racial hierarchy and get votes. In effect, he's calling for a one-party system on racial issues: "I'm right and everyone else is a devious racist." Was there ever an honest, well-intentioned Republican in Barna's universe, or are they all secret agents of the Conspiracy to Keep the Black Man Down? I have serious problems with affirmative action, I wouldn't mind giving vouchers a shot, and I think reparations would contain elements of racism. That doesn't make me racist--it means I honestly believe Barna's solutions may do more harm than good. Until the race orthodoxy recognizes that its own ideas are less than self-evident, until it learns to accept the legitimacy of dissent and debate, there will be no progress.

Students pursue wrong channels to engage racism

(01/11/02 5:00am)

I was really bothered by a poster I saw yesterday that called for the removal of Professor of Cell Biology Michael Reedy over an apparently racist e-mail. Reedy's statements were awful, but he was hired to teach cell biology; he should only be let go if his alleged racism compromises his duties here. Simply expressing "bad opinions" is no grounds for dismissal of anyone. But the poster got worse: It showed a picture of Reedy, called for any actions by students to "kick the f---er out," and said nothing about staying nonviolent. The established channels--The Chronicle, Duke Student Government and the administration--are to be avoided, because they are either sellouts, incompetent or secret bastions of racism. But has it occurred to the group behind the poster that a majority of people on campus, represented by the mainstream channels, may not agree with radicalism? That doesn't make the majority of people on campus racist. The poster claims to champion democracy, but just getting rid of people whose opinions bother us is a tactic associated with the worst dictators. The best way to discredit racists is not to purge them but to engage them in the marketplace of ideas.