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Revamping Elliott's

(03/09/06 5:00am)

The loss of Elliott Wolf's server as a resource for watching and downloading movies, television shows and Duke basketball games left a void in many students' lives (especially the lonely ones). This is understandable. What could be better, on a college campus, than a one-stop location to view any missed TV program, or nearly any popular movie?

Transition week

(01/12/06 5:00am)

Since Duke Cable afforded us no grace period during the beginning of the second semester, I've been reduced to flipping between MSNBC and an all-Russian station. It's good that I can have access to Tucker Carlson for free, though, because I'm a sucker for a bow tie. Still, I can't help but feeling like I might not be the typical viewer when the commercials are for life insurance and synthetic knee replacements.

ALE, a semester later

(12/08/05 5:00am)

After arriving in Durham this semester following a summer of debauchery, I was told by several of my friends about the latest menace to Duke's social scene. Once I got past the cleverness of the acronym-Alcohol Law Enforcement-my mind turned to images of computers tracking Solo cup purchases and agents belaying through windows of duplexes off East Campus.

Time served

(09/01/05 4:00am)

Thanks to the widely publicized Alcohol Law Enforcement crackdowns, a startling number of Duke’s underage drinkers are now experiencing what it feels like to be on the wrong side of the law. Anyone who knows me knows of my gangsta ways, so of course I could share any number of stories about encounters with the po. Yet one particular incident stands out, as it led to a two-year saga that has only recently been resolved.

A commitment to honor

(04/05/05 4:00am)

Professor James Bonk recently announced to his Chemistry 83 class that homework would no longer be self-graded due to reports of cheating on the assignments. When I heard the news, I had to wonder which would be more common: students indignantly wondering, “Who cheated?” or students indignantly demanding, “Who told?”

Baby steps

(03/22/05 5:00am)

The DSG senate recently passed a constitutional amendment submitted by sophomore Joe Fore and senior Chase Johnson that addresses “Academic Expectations and Responsibilities.” It will be presented to students as a referendum during the Executive elections on March 31. We should consider this legislation carefully, as it represents an opportunity to define the type of community we wish to build.

Have you lost weight?

(03/01/05 5:00am)

The other day I had the pleasure of finding out what an insensitive person I am. I was following my typical afternoon routine of waiting an extra 10 minutes at the East Campus bus stop for a C-3 that saves me a five-minute walk to my dorm. Once the bus arrived, I settled into my seat, expecting an uneventful trip. That was when I discovered that for the past 20 years, I have been encouraging disordered eating through my inappropriate ways of thinking.