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Small Town Records to continue making music this spring

(02/01/21 5:00am)

For years, Duke’s very own label and recording studio Small Town Records has been empowering young artists and giving students interested in the music industry the invaluable experience of creating music. Despite the immense challenges posed by the pandemic and the lack of in-person concerts, Small Town Records’s artists, producers and personnel have continued to do what they love and have a variety of projects slated for the spring semester.

ChronSports' Top 10 of 2020 — No. 8: Duke men's basketball joins the battle for social justice

(12/24/20 8:00am)

As 2020 comes to a close, The Chronicle's sports department takes a look back at the biggest stories of the year in Duke athletics. Each day, we will review a major game, event or storyline that helped shape the course of the year for the Blue Devils. Check out the rest of the top 10 here.

Q&A: Mark Anthony Neal reflects on August K-Ville protest, Duke’s role in promoting racial justice

(09/21/20 5:46am)

Nolan Smith, Duke men’s basketball’s director of operations, organized a Black Lives Matter protest at Krzyzewskiville Aug. 27. There, Mark Anthony Neal, James B. Duke distinguished professor of African and African American Studies, was joined by men’s basketball head coach Mike Krzyzewski, women’s basketball head coach Kara Lawson and several student-athletes to address a gathered crowd. 

Former Duke athletes react to recent Black Lives Matter protests

(09/01/20 5:01am)

In light of the recent Black Lives Matter protests, Duke Athletics hosted a peaceful protest in K-Ville to share stories and support for the topic. Several heartfelt speeches were given by Blue Devil athletes and coaches. Duke athletics alumni and students alike have shown their support to this cause through social media, attending peaceful protests and giving touching speeches. 


Nolan Smith organizes Black Lives Matter protest in K-Ville, Coach K addresses crowd

(08/27/20 8:14pm)

For the first time since the Duke vs. North Carolina game this past March, Krzyzewskiville was filled with passionate spectators. However, the passion of these spectators was nothing like the loud, irreverent Crazies we’re used to seeing on that grass. Instead, the hot August wind carried an angry and somber energy.

Catching up with Kimberly Reed, one of the Duke students who originated tenting

(06/21/20 1:41am)

Kimberly Reed, Trinity '86, was part of the group of students who originated the annual Krzyzewskiville tradition of tenting for the home North Carolina game, a story that was introduced in a 2001 Chronicle article. Reed has since appeared in a number of other stories and documentaries, including HBO's "Battle for Tobacco Road" documentary, ACC Network's "ACC Traditions" series and The Chronicle's tenting documentary. 

Q&A: Ben Cohen on his new book The Hot Hand, a deep dive into the truth behind streaks

(03/05/20 2:32am)

What do a Norwegian margarine tycoon, William Shakespeare and Steph Curry all have in common? They are central figures in The Hot Hand, a new book from Ben Cohen, Trinity '10. In the book, Cohen explores the question that has fascinated psychologists, economists, statisticians, basketball players and more for decades: does the hot hand exist?

Walk-up survey: How do Duke students feel about the pregame process for men's basketball games?

(03/05/20 1:57pm)

Editor's note: This is part of a series about the Duke men’s basketball walk-up line experience based on a survey conducted by The Chronicle. You can learn more about the methodology and limitations of the survey here, student opinions on the in-game experience here and the reasons people do not go to games here.

The Chronicle to release results of Duke men's basketball walk-up line behavior survey this week

(03/04/20 5:56am)

Editor's note: This is part of a series about the Duke men’s basketball walk-up line experience based on a survey conducted by The Chronicle. You can learn more about the methodology and limitations of the survey here, student opinions on the in-game experience here and thoughts on the pregame process here.

Tenting is hazing. Change my mind.

(03/03/20 5:00am)

There is truly no experience like being inside Cameron Indoor when our Blue Devils beat the Tar Heels. The exhilarating feeling of rushing out to Abele Quad for some much-needed bench burning can’t be beat. Students come in during their first year and hear from everyone—upperclassmen, friends, fans, you name it—“you have to get into at least one Carolina game before you graduate.” It is, by far, the most anticipated game of regular season college basketball every year, and many Duke students choose to tent in K-Ville to earn their spot. This process ensures that only the most dedicated, enthusiastic, and Craziest fans witness another chapter in this historic rivalry.