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Independents get their own survey on campus climate

(04/17/01 4:00am)

Commons rooms. Swing space. Alcohol. Linked dorms. These words are being tossed around frequently as a result of several new University proposals regarding student life. In an effort to make sure that the voices of independent students are heard in these discussions, junior Sean Young, Duke Student Government vice president for community interaction, has begun a study of independent life on West Campus.

Community police officers focus on education, prevention

(11/16/00 5:00am)

Students and faculty members may not always notice them, but Officers Charles George and Kevin Boyd are a ubiquitous presence on campus. Boyd, the community service officer for West Campus, and George, the community service officer for East and Central campuses, are the backbone of this year's Community Policing Program, which aims to create a partnership between community members and the Duke University Police Department in fighting crime at Duke.