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Film Review: Harsh times

(11/09/06 5:00am)

David Ayer's Harsh Times tries so hard to be good it collapses in a pile of tired slang and over-dramatic narrative. Training Day scriptwriter Ayer makes his directorial debut in what seems to be a Latino-tinted remake of the Oscar-winning cop drama. Unfortunately for Ayer, his vision does not match up to that of Training Day director Antoine Fuqua, creating a film that offers little more than solid visuals and decent acting.

Sandbox: Vote for recess

(11/02/06 5:00am)

Last Saturday, recess waited in the West Campus Plaza mists for that cute girl from our Rocks for Jocks class and noticed something dispicable. The plaza mists left us smelling like a Craven Quad shower. Because the water quality in Durham is lower than K-Fed's street cred, recess has decided to run as a write-in candidate for Durham County Water Utilities manager.

Falling in love with this fall's fads

(10/26/06 4:00am)

The za za zsu. According to one Sex and the City episode, it's that feeling you get when you fall in love. recess' Nancy Wang and Victoria Ward scouted out this season's hottest fashions, ranging from wrap dresses to skinny jeans, and found the styles that will be sure to give you butterflies. Put away your Uggs, toss out your big beads and embrace the simplicity and richness of fall. Filled with jewel tones, luxurious fabrics and peep toes, this season will have you falling in love with fashion again. Fall revolves around leggings and skinny jeans-last seen in Flashdance, they are are making their official comeback. Paired with this season's fitted sweaters and last year's ballet flats, they make the perfect transition into cooler weather. Although fall has finally brought crisp temperatures, don't put away your jersey dresses quite yet. Even in November, North Carolina's fickle weather will offer a few opportunities to show some skin. Sophomore Cordelia Biddle and junior Jesse Kester model these looks and some of our other favorites, courtesy of one of Durham's hottest boutiques, Za Za Zsu, located at 1918 Perry St.

The Sandbox: RIP Steve Irwin

(10/19/06 4:00am)

Stingrays were already in my doghouse for obvious reasons-before they decided to take out my Aussie hero Steve Irwin. Stingrays, for those in the know, are basically sharks' coral-reef-billy-inbred cousins-you know, the ones with the misshapen faces. They look like reject pancakes found on the floor of your local IHOP, spotted and slightly yellow with a tainted, serrated barb inside.

Dem Franchize Boyz

(02/09/06 5:00am)

Established rulers of ATL's historic Poole Palace, Dem Franchize Boyz hope to extend their reign of the kingdom of laid-back crunk from beyond the dirty south with their sophomore LP On Top of Our Game. Known individually as Buddie, Jizzal Man, Parlae and Pimpin, DFB is credited with creating snap music, a slowly growing genre characterized by hyperactive flow, minimalist beats and lots of snaps and hand claps. Dem Franchize Boyz' 2004 southern smash "White Tees" paved the way for club fodder such as D4L's "Laffy Taffy." Our Game takes away the simple synthesizer and adds more complex, energetic beats on top of ultimately vapid lyrics. Dem Boyz incessantly rap about driving cars, hustling and an affinity for wearing white T-shirts. However, snap music has always been about having a good time. If you want to stimulate your mind, listen to Saigon or Common, but Dem Franchize Boyz will be waiting for you when it's time to get on the dance floor.

Sand box

(11/17/05 5:00am)

Thanksgiving is the exact opposite of Yom Kippur. Yes, it is a period of forced reflection of the past year, but you get to focus on all the happy events. Plus, God won't smite you at the dinner table for cream-laden mashed potatoes with ham. Here at recess we have a lot to be thankful for:

The Future of Tinseltown: An inside look at what's going on with movies

(11/17/05 5:00am)

The Film Industry has a problem: people are not going to movies anymore. Last October the three box-office leaders netted more than $55 million each week; this October the top three films in the box office can barely pull a combined $35 million, a drop of 40 percent. Apparently, Antonio Banderas with a whip, The Rock with demonic monsters, and Dakota Fanning with horses weren't enough to save October. Hollywood is losing money, and producers, executives and their latte-wielding assistants are scrambling to figure out why.


(11/17/05 5:00am)

The National Academy of Sciences needs to contact Ginuwine right this minute. Apparently the 35-year-old R&B artist has opened a time portal back to the late 90's to create his latest release Back II Da Basics. That is the only way to explain how anyone would let him get away with this mundane collection of songs that barely passes as an album.

Escape Midterms at the Carolina

(10/20/05 4:00am)

After a harsh week of midterms, a much needed distraction is good, nay, necessary. With its third annual Escapism Film Festival, the near-East-Campus Carolina Theatre offers a chance to get away from the dreary, suffocating confines of Duke and enter into beautiful, surreal worlds only found on the silver screen . The three day long festival, billed as "adrenaline-fueled," offers attendees the best films from home and abroad that range in genre from Fantasy to Absurdist.