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(11/08/07 5:00am)

Retirement used to mean office parties, pension plans and permanent relaxation, but now-a-days it's just a synonym for temporary vacation. The formerly retired Jay-Z came back in 2006 with the solid but underplayed Kingdom Come and is now at it again with his tenth studio album, American Gangster.

Editor's Note 13: On News

(11/08/07 5:00am)

So the basic idea of journalism is to create the news. Some may argue that news is an objective concept and that reporters are the conduits of making it known. However, in reality, what people receive in papers and on T.V. is a construct of conscious decisions made by a body of editors. Presumably, in some seedy, poorly-lit room in the basement in the New York Times, if you care to believe Pat Robertson's side of the story.

Editor's Note 2: On Hating

(08/30/07 4:00am)

All I hear daily is how much recess sucks. Wake up. My roommate asks me to borrow shampoo and informs me that last week's review of the Killers was more incompetent than Alberto Gonzales-10 points for political humor. Go to breakfast. The Chick-fil-A ladies call me sweetie and then proceed to spit on my nuggets for the pan of the latest Tyler Perry movie.

Branan talks songs, shows, scars

(07/25/07 4:00am)

Born in small-town Southaven, Miss., singer-songwriter Cory Branan began his career in a Black Sabbath cover band. The 32-year-old's sound has long since abandoned the dissonant chords of heavy metal for his own version of twang-rock. The newly-free-agent musician, who combines folksy rock with punk, pop, soul and blues influences, talks with recess' Varun Lella. His last album, the appropriately titled 12 Songs, was released on Madjack Records in March of 2006.