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Person County physicians halt contract with Duke

(10/02/96 4:00am)

Administrators at Roxboro's Person County Memorial Hospital and Duke Health Network have ended discussion of a potential alliance between the two health care providers. The initiative, which would have given Duke University Medical Center management of the 40-bed community hospital north of Durham, was opposed by Person County Memorial's medical staff.

Court gives go-ahead to lawsuit against Medical Center

(04/24/96 4:00am)

A state appellate court ruled last week that a lawsuit filed against the University by the family of Dora Epps McNair, a patient who died at the Medical Center following a heart procedure, will go to trial. The family claims in the suit that the extent of the autopsy performed on McNair's body in 1990 grossly exceeded normal standards and resulted in unnecessary disfigurement of the body.

Council discusses copyright policy

(04/19/96 4:00am)

On Thursday afternoon, the Academic Council discussed a proposed policy that would "govern the ownership and management" of copyrightable intellectual property produced by University faculty. The proposal focuses primarily on faculty work that is funded by either the National Science Foundation or the National Institutes of Health, said Dr. Charles Putman, senior vice president of research administration.

Chastisement of Tar Heel fans misplaced

(03/08/96 5:00am)

The two letter writers who complained about the behavior of the UNC basketball players and fans need to look at their own school. The Tar Heels are by no means worse than the Blue Devils. True, Jeff McInnis talked trash to Chris Collins-as did Collins to McInnis. Most players do it. And McInnis' second technical? He did overreact to being knocked into the stands during the commission of an intentional foul. Surely no one reading this letter would have overreacted during a tense emotional situation. McInnis got more technical fouls than any other player this year, and Coach K got more than any other coach. Which one should be setting the best example?

Reagan domestic legacy sorely lacking

(02/13/96 5:00am)

I wish I could have the same fond memories of the Reagan administration as Robert O'Leary (The Chronicle, Feb. 9). First and foremost, Reagan was an actor, and he read from his scripts beautifully, but let's be honest about his domestic policies. During his eight years in office, the government lived on borrowed money. While this may have led to short-term economic prosperity, the end result is a nation crippled by debt and has practically nothing to show for it. In essence, our national debt is like the average person's credit card balance-you have no idea what you're paying for; you just know you owe money. Given the opportunity to do it again, you probably would not spend your money so frivolously.