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The Ultimate Rush, by Joe Quirk

(07/22/98 4:00am)

Chet Griffin is the only rollerblade messenger in a town of bicycle couriers. That town is San Francisco, and careening up and down the hills of the city is not a task for the faint of heart. Fortunately for Chet, such a description doesn't fit him. Not at all. When Chet is sent to deliver a top-secret floppy disk to a very important client and the package shows up opened, Chet's in a world of, uh, trouble. And those troubles only deepen as Chet blades between and computer hacks against a Chinese mobster, the San Francisco Police Department and a web of big money murderers.

Growing up with the Beastie Boys!

(07/22/98 4:00am)

The Beastie Boys, those bratty kids who once fought for their right to party, are "gettin' nice." They're now in their early thirties, respectful to others and have vowed to "fight violence with these hands that weren't built to fight." With the July release of Hello Nasty (Grand Royale), their fifth full-length album and first release in four years, the Beastie Boys are back... and less beastie than ever.

Blitzkrieg legislation reforms tenting policy kindergarten-style

(04/01/98 5:00am)

In a surprising move late Tuesday afternoon, Dook Student "Government" rewrote its basketball game tenting policy yet again. Tents have been abolished, the new plan stipulates, and admission to home games will be determined by a point system similar those used by kindergarten teachers when doling out crayon privileges.

Golden Child

(01/29/98 5:00am)

With "Saturnzreturn," the British drum'n'bass DJ known as Goldie delves back into the jungle scene and back into the ears of the genre's proponents. In 1995, Goldie released "Timeless" and put himself on the map as a pioneer of electronic music and its platinum-selling possibilities.

Line monitors delineate basketball tent policy

(12/11/97 5:00am)

Tent policy for the spring semester is as follows: We will begin registering tents and conducting tent checks for the Maryland (Jan. 29), Georgia Tech (Feb. 1), Florida State (Feb. 10), Wake Forest (Feb. 14), UCLA (Feb. 22) and North Carolina (Feb. 28) home men's basketball games once 10 tents have been set up. Campers in these first 10 tents will be responsible for numbering their tents before the official registration.

Monitors outline December tenting policy

(12/01/97 5:00am)

Tent registration for the Dec. 6 men's basketball game against Virginia and the Dec. 10 game against Villanova will be held at 12:30 tonight outside of Cameron. Any tent which is up before this time will be removed. There is a 15 person-per-tent limit; no student is allowed to be registered in more than one tent. Only one person (the tent leader) needs to be present at 12:30 to register the tent; the tent leader will need to have the names of everyone in his or her tent at this time. Tents must be taken down within 48 hours of the conclusion of the Villanova game. Also, wristbands for tonight's game against South Carolina state will be available throughout the day outside of Cameron. Future announcements regarding monitoring and camp-out procedures will be available on the Duke Student Government web page,

DSG announces season basketball line policy

(11/19/97 5:00am)

On Thursday, Nov. 20, the men's basketball team will host Davidson at 6:30 p.m. Duke Student Government line monitors will be distributing wristbands for the game at 8:00 a.m. outside of Cameron. Students with wristbands will receive priority seating for the game. Students who do not have a wristband will be admitted to Cameron after all students with wristbands on a first-come, first-serve basis. As always, doors to Cameron will open one and a half hours before game time.

Au pair accepted responsibility of position

(11/11/97 5:00am)

There is one facet of James Mahon's column in the Nov. 6 edition of The Chronicle about the Louise Woodward trial that particularly disturbs me. He seems to advance the notion that Woodward is somehow less at fault, or that the Eappens are somehow more to blame, simply because she is 19. He seems to think that because she is technically a "teenager," she is automatically less responsible for her actions-and that any late-night partying is nothing more than her "right" as a young person.

Midnight basketball practice policy outlined

(10/16/97 4:00am)

On the night of Friday, Oct. 17, the Duke men's basketball team will conduct a midnight practice that is open to the public for the first time. This practice is open free of charge to all students with a valid undergraduate ID; seating for undergraduates, however, is limited. A certain number of wristbands will be handed out at 8:00 a.m. and again at 3:00 p.m. Friday, October 17, outside of Cameron Indoor Stadium. Students may line up to collect their wristbands along the north sidewalk of the Cameron parking lot. The color of your wristband will be determined by your place in line. At 8:30 p.m., students will be required to line up in order, according to wristband color,, and receive a hand stamp. The doors to Cameron will open at 11:00 p.m.

Engineer eviscerates ESG eating event

(03/28/97 5:00am)

Having been a student in the School of Engineering for over three semesters now, I must admit that I have been relatively indifferent to Engineering Student Government and the role they play in my life as an engineer here at the University, with the exception of the several free events they sponsor, such as "Beers for Engineers," which I and many fellow engineers enjoy very much. I did, however, feel it necessary to express my gratitude and commend ESG for their foresight in scheduling a "Free Engineering Barbecue" on Good Friday, a day on which millions of practicing Catholics such as myself abstain from eating meat in reverence of the significance of the holiday. I am also looking forward to the ESG bake sale, which I hear is slated for sometime during the upcoming Passover week.

Epworth faces ejection

(03/07/97 5:00am)

University administrators informed members of the Students for Housing and Residential Experimentation program during a three-hour meeting Wednesday night that they might be forced out of their living space in East Campus' Epworth Dormitory. A final decision about the situation will not be issued, however, until sometime next week, said Janet Dickerson, vice president for student affairs.