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(04/03/97 5:00am)

The new releases by Rollins Band and Helmet, Come In and Burn and Aftertaste, respectively, could not have come at a better time. I think my neighbors were getting tired of me venting my wrath by perpetually blaring the same Ministry and Rage CDs. Maybe I should switch to Fugazi or something...

The Jilted Chris Hoover Announces War on the Melville Family

(02/27/97 5:00am)

Call me Bewildered. When I saw Moby's new CD, Animal Rights (Elektra) up at the office, I only felt sheer excitement-anticipating some ingenious ambient-techno expected from the master of elctronica. Boy, was I in for a big surprise... Unsuspectingly, I came back to my room and pulled out some philosophy reading, planning to immerse myself into the same sort of hypnotic sounds Moby manifested in Move and Everything Is Wrong .

Chris Hoover's anti-American Music stance makes her top CDs of '96 a rather eclectic bunch, indeed

(12/12/96 5:00am)

I have got to admit, I am completely biased against domestic music. When Jane's Addiction broke up, I lost all hope in American music. With the exception of a few bands, the overall quality of mainstream American music has declined quite dramatically since the late '80s/early '90s. When you see crap from No Doubt and Everclear topping the charts, you just know something is wrong.

Notes from the underground

(10/09/96 4:00am)

Tinged with the indigenous flavor of the islands, ska is a musical daiquiri that blends the fluidity of swing, exuberance of jazz, and soul of rhythm and blues with stirring and infectious dance beats. Often called "The National Dance," ska hails from Jamaica where it reigned the music scene in the late '60s. Compared to other musical genres, however, ska is a relative unknown, especially in the United States.

lots o' music reviews for your next trip across the big pond...

(09/19/96 4:00am)

Man or Astroman?: Experiment Zero (Touch and Go) Damn aliens, can they ever be satisfied? There aren't many earthlings who can match up to their ambitions- with the exception of a close friend at Harvard, who's taking multivariable calculus, orgo, and advanced magnetism in his first semester. Interests of our galactic neighbors span from scientific inquiries to the show business: they abduct unfortunate humans to serve as their guinea pigs; they impregnate Madonna and grace the cover of the latest National Inquirer.